Source code for sbp.bootload

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Swift Navigation Inc.
# Contact: Swift Navigation <>
# This source is subject to the license found in the file 'LICENSE' which must
# be be distributed together with this source. All other rights reserved.

Messages for the bootloading configuration of a Piksi 2.3.1.  This message
group does not apply to Piksi Multi.

Note that some of these messages share the same message type ID for both the
host request and the device response.


import json

import construct

from sbp.msg import SBP, SENDER_ID
from sbp.utils import fmt_repr, exclude_fields, walk_json_dict, containerize

# Automatically generated from piksi/yaml/swiftnav/sbp/bootload.yaml with
# Please do not hand edit!

[docs]class MsgBootloaderHandshakeReq(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_BOOTLOADER_HANDSHAKE_REQ (0x00B3). You can have MSG_BOOTLOADER_HANDSHAKE_REQ inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. The handshake message request from the host establishes a handshake between the device bootloader and the host. The response from the device is MSG_BOOTLOADER_HANDSHAKE_RESP. """ __slots__ = [] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgBootloaderHandshakeReq, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.payload = sbp.payload else: super( MsgBootloaderHandshakeReq, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_BOOTLOADER_HANDSHAKE_REQ self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.payload = "" def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgBootloaderHandshakeReq.from_json_dict(d)
[docs] def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgBootloaderHandshakeReq(sbp, **d)
[docs]class MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_BOOTLOADER_HANDSHAKE_RESP (0x00B4). You can have MSG_BOOTLOADER_HANDSHAKE_RESP inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. The handshake message response from the device establishes a handshake between the device bootloader and the host. The request from the host is MSG_BOOTLOADER_HANDSHAKE_REQ. The payload contains the bootloader version number and the SBP protocol version number. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. flags : int Bootloader flags version : string Bootloader version number sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = construct.Struct( 'flags' / construct.Int32ul, 'version' / construct.GreedyBytes,) __slots__ = [ 'flags', 'version', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super( MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_BOOTLOADER_HANDSHAKE_RESP self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.flags = kwargs.pop('flags') self.version = kwargs.pop('version') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp.from_json_dict(d)
[docs] def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp(sbp, **d)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack()
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super( MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
[docs]class MsgBootloaderJumpToApp(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_BOOTLOADER_JUMP_TO_APP (0x00B1). You can have MSG_BOOTLOADER_JUMP_TO_APP inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. The host initiates the bootloader to jump to the application. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. jump : int Ignored by the device sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = construct.Struct( 'jump' / construct.Int8ul,) __slots__ = [ 'jump', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgBootloaderJumpToApp, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super( MsgBootloaderJumpToApp, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_BOOTLOADER_JUMP_TO_APP self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.jump = kwargs.pop('jump') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgBootloaderJumpToApp.from_json_dict(d)
[docs] def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgBootloaderJumpToApp(sbp, **d)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgBootloaderJumpToApp._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack()
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super( MsgBootloaderJumpToApp, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
[docs]class MsgNapDeviceDnaReq(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_NAP_DEVICE_DNA_REQ (0x00DE). You can have MSG_NAP_DEVICE_DNA_REQ inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. The device message from the host reads a unique device identifier from the SwiftNAP, an FPGA. The host requests the ID by sending a MSG_NAP_DEVICE_DNA_REQ message. The device responds with a MSG_NAP_DEVICE_DNA_RESP message with the device ID in the payload. Note that this ID is tied to the FPGA, and not related to the Piksi's serial number. """ __slots__ = [] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgNapDeviceDnaReq, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.payload = sbp.payload else: super( MsgNapDeviceDnaReq, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_NAP_DEVICE_DNA_REQ self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.payload = "" def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgNapDeviceDnaReq.from_json_dict(d)
[docs] def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgNapDeviceDnaReq(sbp, **d)
[docs]class MsgNapDeviceDnaResp(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_NAP_DEVICE_DNA_RESP (0x00DD). You can have MSG_NAP_DEVICE_DNA_RESP inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. The device message from the host reads a unique device identifier from the SwiftNAP, an FPGA. The host requests the ID by sending a MSG_NAP_DEVICE_DNA_REQ message. The device responds with a MSG_NAP_DEVICE_DNA_RESP messagage with the device ID in the payload. Note that this ID is tied to the FPGA, and not related to the Piksi's serial number. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. dna : array 57-bit SwiftNAP FPGA Device ID. Remaining bits are padded on the right. sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = construct.Struct( 'dna' / construct.Array(8, construct.Int8ul),) __slots__ = [ 'dna', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgNapDeviceDnaResp, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super( MsgNapDeviceDnaResp, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_NAP_DEVICE_DNA_RESP self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.dna = kwargs.pop('dna') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgNapDeviceDnaResp.from_json_dict(d)
[docs] def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgNapDeviceDnaResp(sbp, **d)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgNapDeviceDnaResp._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack()
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super( MsgNapDeviceDnaResp, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
[docs]class MsgBootloaderHandshakeDepA(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_BOOTLOADER_HANDSHAKE_DEP_A (0x00B0). You can have MSG_BOOTLOADER_HANDSHAKE_DEP_A inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. Deprecated. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. handshake : array Version number string (not NULL terminated) sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = construct.Struct( construct.GreedyRange('handshake' / construct.Int8ul),) __slots__ = [ 'handshake', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgBootloaderHandshakeDepA, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super( MsgBootloaderHandshakeDepA, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_BOOTLOADER_HANDSHAKE_DEP_A self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.handshake = kwargs.pop('handshake') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgBootloaderHandshakeDepA.from_json_dict(d)
[docs] def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgBootloaderHandshakeDepA(sbp, **d)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgBootloaderHandshakeDepA._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack()
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super( MsgBootloaderHandshakeDepA, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
msg_classes = { 0x00B3: MsgBootloaderHandshakeReq, 0x00B4: MsgBootloaderHandshakeResp, 0x00B1: MsgBootloaderJumpToApp, 0x00DE: MsgNapDeviceDnaReq, 0x00DD: MsgNapDeviceDnaResp, 0x00B0: MsgBootloaderHandshakeDepA, }