Source code for sbp.tracking

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Swift Navigation Inc.
# Contact: Swift Navigation <>
# This source is subject to the license found in the file 'LICENSE' which must
# be be distributed together with this source. All other rights reserved.

Satellite code and carrier-phase tracking messages from the device.


import json

import construct

from sbp.msg import SBP, SENDER_ID
from sbp.utils import fmt_repr, exclude_fields, walk_json_dict, containerize
from sbp.gnss import *

# Automatically generated from piksi/yaml/swiftnav/sbp/tracking.yaml with
# Please do not hand edit!

[docs]class TrackingChannelState(object): """TrackingChannelState. Tracking channel state for a specific satellite signal and measured signal power. Parameters ---------- sid : GnssSignal GNSS signal being tracked fcn : int Frequency channel number (GLONASS only) cn0 : int Carrier-to-Noise density. Zero implies invalid cn0. """ _parser = construct.Embedded(construct.Struct( 'sid' / construct.Struct(GnssSignal._parser), 'fcn' / construct.Int8ul, 'cn0' / construct.Int8ul,)) __slots__ = [ 'sid', 'fcn', 'cn0', ] def __init__(self, payload=None, **kwargs): if payload: self.from_binary(payload) else: self.sid = kwargs.pop('sid') self.fcn = kwargs.pop('fcn') self.cn0 = kwargs.pop('cn0') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): p = TrackingChannelState._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): d = dict([(k, getattr(obj, k)) for k in self.__slots__]) return
[docs]class MeasurementState(object): """MeasurementState. Measurement Engine tracking channel state for a specific satellite signal and measured signal power. The mesid field for Glonass can either carry the FCN as 100 + FCN where FCN is in [-7, +6] or the Slot ID (from 1 to 28) Parameters ---------- mesid : GnssSignal Measurement Engine GNSS signal being tracked (carries either Glonass FCN or SLOT) cn0 : int Carrier-to-Noise density. Zero implies invalid cn0. """ _parser = construct.Embedded(construct.Struct( 'mesid' / construct.Struct(GnssSignal._parser), 'cn0' / construct.Int8ul,)) __slots__ = [ 'mesid', 'cn0', ] def __init__(self, payload=None, **kwargs): if payload: self.from_binary(payload) else: self.mesid = kwargs.pop('mesid') self.cn0 = kwargs.pop('cn0') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): p = MeasurementState._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): d = dict([(k, getattr(obj, k)) for k in self.__slots__]) return
[docs]class TrackingChannelCorrelation(object): """TrackingChannelCorrelation. Structure containing in-phase and quadrature correlation components. Parameters ---------- I : int In-phase correlation Q : int Quadrature correlation """ _parser = construct.Embedded(construct.Struct( 'I' / construct.Int32sl, 'Q' / construct.Int32sl,)) __slots__ = [ 'I', 'Q', ] def __init__(self, payload=None, **kwargs): if payload: self.from_binary(payload) else: self.I = kwargs.pop('I') self.Q = kwargs.pop('Q') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): p = TrackingChannelCorrelation._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): d = dict([(k, getattr(obj, k)) for k in self.__slots__]) return
[docs]class TrackingChannelStateDepA(object): """TrackingChannelStateDepA. Deprecated. Parameters ---------- state : int Status of tracking channel prn : int PRN-1 being tracked cn0 : float Carrier-to-noise density """ _parser = construct.Embedded(construct.Struct( 'state' / construct.Int8ul, 'prn' / construct.Int8ul, 'cn0' / construct.Float32l,)) __slots__ = [ 'state', 'prn', 'cn0', ] def __init__(self, payload=None, **kwargs): if payload: self.from_binary(payload) else: self.state = kwargs.pop('state') self.prn = kwargs.pop('prn') self.cn0 = kwargs.pop('cn0') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): p = TrackingChannelStateDepA._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): d = dict([(k, getattr(obj, k)) for k in self.__slots__]) return
[docs]class TrackingChannelStateDepB(object): """TrackingChannelStateDepB. Deprecated. Parameters ---------- state : int Status of tracking channel sid : GnssSignalDep GNSS signal being tracked cn0 : float Carrier-to-noise density """ _parser = construct.Embedded(construct.Struct( 'state' / construct.Int8ul, 'sid' / construct.Struct(GnssSignalDep._parser), 'cn0' / construct.Float32l,)) __slots__ = [ 'state', 'sid', 'cn0', ] def __init__(self, payload=None, **kwargs): if payload: self.from_binary(payload) else: self.state = kwargs.pop('state') self.sid = kwargs.pop('sid') self.cn0 = kwargs.pop('cn0') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): p = TrackingChannelStateDepB._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): d = dict([(k, getattr(obj, k)) for k in self.__slots__]) return
[docs]class MsgTrackingStateDetailedDepA(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_TRACKING_STATE_DETAILED_DEP_A (0x0021). You can have MSG_TRACKING_STATE_DETAILED_DEP_A inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. The tracking message returns a set tracking channel parameters for a single tracking channel useful for debugging issues. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. recv_time : int Receiver clock time. tot : GPSTime Time of transmission of signal from satellite. TOW only valid when TOW status is decoded or propagated. WN only valid when week number valid flag is set. P : int Pseudorange observation. Valid only when pseudorange valid flag is set. P_std : int Pseudorange observation standard deviation. Valid only when pseudorange valid flag is set. L : CarrierPhase Carrier phase observation with typical sign convention. Valid only when PLL pessimistic lock is achieved. cn0 : int Carrier-to-Noise density lock : int Lock time. It is encoded according to DF402 from the RTCM 10403.2 Amendment 2 specification. Valid values range from 0 to 15. sid : GnssSignal GNSS signal identifier. doppler : int Carrier Doppler frequency. doppler_std : int Carrier Doppler frequency standard deviation. uptime : int Number of seconds of continuous tracking. Specifies how much time signal is in continuous track. clock_offset : int TCXO clock offset. Valid only when valid clock valid flag is set. clock_drift : int TCXO clock drift. Valid only when valid clock valid flag is set. corr_spacing : int Early-Prompt (EP) and Prompt-Late (PL) correlators spacing. acceleration : int Acceleration. Valid only when acceleration valid flag is set. sync_flags : int Synchronization status flags. tow_flags : int TOW status flags. track_flags : int Tracking loop status flags. nav_flags : int Navigation data status flags. pset_flags : int Parameters sets flags. misc_flags : int Miscellaneous flags. sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = construct.Struct( 'recv_time' / construct.Int64ul, 'tot' / construct.Struct(GPSTime._parser), 'P' / construct.Int32ul, 'P_std' / construct.Int16ul, 'L' / construct.Struct(CarrierPhase._parser), 'cn0' / construct.Int8ul, 'lock' / construct.Int16ul, 'sid' / construct.Struct(GnssSignal._parser), 'doppler' / construct.Int32sl, 'doppler_std' / construct.Int16ul, 'uptime' / construct.Int32ul, 'clock_offset' / construct.Int16sl, 'clock_drift' / construct.Int16sl, 'corr_spacing' / construct.Int16ul, 'acceleration' / construct.Int8sl, 'sync_flags' / construct.Int8ul, 'tow_flags' / construct.Int8ul, 'track_flags' / construct.Int8ul, 'nav_flags' / construct.Int8ul, 'pset_flags' / construct.Int8ul, 'misc_flags' / construct.Int8ul,) __slots__ = [ 'recv_time', 'tot', 'P', 'P_std', 'L', 'cn0', 'lock', 'sid', 'doppler', 'doppler_std', 'uptime', 'clock_offset', 'clock_drift', 'corr_spacing', 'acceleration', 'sync_flags', 'tow_flags', 'track_flags', 'nav_flags', 'pset_flags', 'misc_flags', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgTrackingStateDetailedDepA, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super( MsgTrackingStateDetailedDepA, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_TRACKING_STATE_DETAILED_DEP_A self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.recv_time = kwargs.pop('recv_time') self.tot = kwargs.pop('tot') self.P = kwargs.pop('P') self.P_std = kwargs.pop('P_std') self.L = kwargs.pop('L') self.cn0 = kwargs.pop('cn0') self.lock = kwargs.pop('lock') self.sid = kwargs.pop('sid') self.doppler = kwargs.pop('doppler') self.doppler_std = kwargs.pop('doppler_std') self.uptime = kwargs.pop('uptime') self.clock_offset = kwargs.pop('clock_offset') self.clock_drift = kwargs.pop('clock_drift') self.corr_spacing = kwargs.pop('corr_spacing') self.acceleration = kwargs.pop('acceleration') self.sync_flags = kwargs.pop('sync_flags') self.tow_flags = kwargs.pop('tow_flags') self.track_flags = kwargs.pop('track_flags') self.nav_flags = kwargs.pop('nav_flags') self.pset_flags = kwargs.pop('pset_flags') self.misc_flags = kwargs.pop('misc_flags') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgTrackingStateDetailedDepA.from_json_dict(d)
[docs] def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgTrackingStateDetailedDepA(sbp, **d)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgTrackingStateDetailedDepA._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack()
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super( MsgTrackingStateDetailedDepA, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
[docs]class MsgTrackingStateDetailedDep(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_TRACKING_STATE_DETAILED_DEP (0x0011). You can have MSG_TRACKING_STATE_DETAILED_DEP inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. Deprecated. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. recv_time : int Receiver clock time. tot : GPSTimeDep Time of transmission of signal from satellite. TOW only valid when TOW status is decoded or propagated. WN only valid when week number valid flag is set. P : int Pseudorange observation. Valid only when pseudorange valid flag is set. P_std : int Pseudorange observation standard deviation. Valid only when pseudorange valid flag is set. L : CarrierPhase Carrier phase observation with typical sign convention. Valid only when PLL pessimistic lock is achieved. cn0 : int Carrier-to-Noise density lock : int Lock time. It is encoded according to DF402 from the RTCM 10403.2 Amendment 2 specification. Valid values range from 0 to 15. sid : GnssSignalDep GNSS signal identifier. doppler : int Carrier Doppler frequency. doppler_std : int Carrier Doppler frequency standard deviation. uptime : int Number of seconds of continuous tracking. Specifies how much time signal is in continuous track. clock_offset : int TCXO clock offset. Valid only when valid clock valid flag is set. clock_drift : int TCXO clock drift. Valid only when valid clock valid flag is set. corr_spacing : int Early-Prompt (EP) and Prompt-Late (PL) correlators spacing. acceleration : int Acceleration. Valid only when acceleration valid flag is set. sync_flags : int Synchronization status flags. tow_flags : int TOW status flags. track_flags : int Tracking loop status flags. nav_flags : int Navigation data status flags. pset_flags : int Parameters sets flags. misc_flags : int Miscellaneous flags. sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = construct.Struct( 'recv_time' / construct.Int64ul, 'tot' / construct.Struct(GPSTimeDep._parser), 'P' / construct.Int32ul, 'P_std' / construct.Int16ul, 'L' / construct.Struct(CarrierPhase._parser), 'cn0' / construct.Int8ul, 'lock' / construct.Int16ul, 'sid' / construct.Struct(GnssSignalDep._parser), 'doppler' / construct.Int32sl, 'doppler_std' / construct.Int16ul, 'uptime' / construct.Int32ul, 'clock_offset' / construct.Int16sl, 'clock_drift' / construct.Int16sl, 'corr_spacing' / construct.Int16ul, 'acceleration' / construct.Int8sl, 'sync_flags' / construct.Int8ul, 'tow_flags' / construct.Int8ul, 'track_flags' / construct.Int8ul, 'nav_flags' / construct.Int8ul, 'pset_flags' / construct.Int8ul, 'misc_flags' / construct.Int8ul,) __slots__ = [ 'recv_time', 'tot', 'P', 'P_std', 'L', 'cn0', 'lock', 'sid', 'doppler', 'doppler_std', 'uptime', 'clock_offset', 'clock_drift', 'corr_spacing', 'acceleration', 'sync_flags', 'tow_flags', 'track_flags', 'nav_flags', 'pset_flags', 'misc_flags', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgTrackingStateDetailedDep, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super( MsgTrackingStateDetailedDep, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_TRACKING_STATE_DETAILED_DEP self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.recv_time = kwargs.pop('recv_time') self.tot = kwargs.pop('tot') self.P = kwargs.pop('P') self.P_std = kwargs.pop('P_std') self.L = kwargs.pop('L') self.cn0 = kwargs.pop('cn0') self.lock = kwargs.pop('lock') self.sid = kwargs.pop('sid') self.doppler = kwargs.pop('doppler') self.doppler_std = kwargs.pop('doppler_std') self.uptime = kwargs.pop('uptime') self.clock_offset = kwargs.pop('clock_offset') self.clock_drift = kwargs.pop('clock_drift') self.corr_spacing = kwargs.pop('corr_spacing') self.acceleration = kwargs.pop('acceleration') self.sync_flags = kwargs.pop('sync_flags') self.tow_flags = kwargs.pop('tow_flags') self.track_flags = kwargs.pop('track_flags') self.nav_flags = kwargs.pop('nav_flags') self.pset_flags = kwargs.pop('pset_flags') self.misc_flags = kwargs.pop('misc_flags') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgTrackingStateDetailedDep.from_json_dict(d)
[docs] def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgTrackingStateDetailedDep(sbp, **d)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgTrackingStateDetailedDep._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack()
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super( MsgTrackingStateDetailedDep, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
[docs]class MsgTrackingState(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_TRACKING_STATE (0x0041). You can have MSG_TRACKING_STATE inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. The tracking message returns a variable-length array of tracking channel states. It reports status and carrier-to-noise density measurements for all tracked satellites. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. states : array Signal tracking channel state sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = construct.Struct( construct.GreedyRange('states' / construct.Struct(TrackingChannelState._parser)),) __slots__ = [ 'states', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgTrackingState, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super( MsgTrackingState, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_TRACKING_STATE self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.states = kwargs.pop('states') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgTrackingState.from_json_dict(d)
[docs] def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgTrackingState(sbp, **d)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgTrackingState._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack()
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super( MsgTrackingState, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
[docs]class MsgMeasurementState(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_MEASUREMENT_STATE (0x0061). You can have MSG_MEASUREMENT_STATE inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. The tracking message returns a variable-length array of tracking channel states. It reports status and carrier-to-noise density measurements for all tracked satellites. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. states : array ME signal tracking channel state sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = construct.Struct( construct.GreedyRange('states' / construct.Struct(MeasurementState._parser)),) __slots__ = [ 'states', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgMeasurementState, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super( MsgMeasurementState, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_MEASUREMENT_STATE self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.states = kwargs.pop('states') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgMeasurementState.from_json_dict(d)
[docs] def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgMeasurementState(sbp, **d)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgMeasurementState._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack()
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super( MsgMeasurementState, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
[docs]class MsgTrackingIq(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_TRACKING_IQ (0x002C). You can have MSG_TRACKING_IQ inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. When enabled, a tracking channel can output the correlations at each update interval. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. channel : int Tracking channel of origin sid : GnssSignal GNSS signal identifier corrs : array Early, Prompt and Late correlations sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = construct.Struct( 'channel' / construct.Int8ul, 'sid' / construct.Struct(GnssSignal._parser), 'corrs' / construct.Array(3, construct.Byte),) __slots__ = [ 'channel', 'sid', 'corrs', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgTrackingIq, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super( MsgTrackingIq, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_TRACKING_IQ self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) = kwargs.pop('channel') self.sid = kwargs.pop('sid') self.corrs = kwargs.pop('corrs') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgTrackingIq.from_json_dict(d)
[docs] def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgTrackingIq(sbp, **d)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgTrackingIq._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack()
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super( MsgTrackingIq, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
[docs]class MsgTrackingIqDep(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_TRACKING_IQ_DEP (0x001C). You can have MSG_TRACKING_IQ_DEP inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. Deprecated. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. channel : int Tracking channel of origin sid : GnssSignalDep GNSS signal identifier corrs : array Early, Prompt and Late correlations sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = construct.Struct( 'channel' / construct.Int8ul, 'sid' / construct.Struct(GnssSignalDep._parser), 'corrs' / construct.Array(3, construct.Byte),) __slots__ = [ 'channel', 'sid', 'corrs', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgTrackingIqDep, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super( MsgTrackingIqDep, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_TRACKING_IQ_DEP self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) = kwargs.pop('channel') self.sid = kwargs.pop('sid') self.corrs = kwargs.pop('corrs') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgTrackingIqDep.from_json_dict(d)
[docs] def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgTrackingIqDep(sbp, **d)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgTrackingIqDep._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack()
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super( MsgTrackingIqDep, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
[docs]class MsgTrackingStateDepA(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_TRACKING_STATE_DEP_A (0x0016). You can have MSG_TRACKING_STATE_DEP_A inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. Deprecated. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. states : array Satellite tracking channel state sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = construct.Struct( construct.GreedyRange('states' / construct.Struct(TrackingChannelStateDepA._parser)),) __slots__ = [ 'states', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgTrackingStateDepA, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super( MsgTrackingStateDepA, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_TRACKING_STATE_DEP_A self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.states = kwargs.pop('states') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgTrackingStateDepA.from_json_dict(d)
[docs] def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgTrackingStateDepA(sbp, **d)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgTrackingStateDepA._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack()
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super( MsgTrackingStateDepA, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
[docs]class MsgTrackingStateDepB(SBP): """SBP class for message MSG_TRACKING_STATE_DEP_B (0x0013). You can have MSG_TRACKING_STATE_DEP_B inherit its fields directly from an inherited SBP object, or construct it inline using a dict of its fields. Deprecated. Parameters ---------- sbp : SBP SBP parent object to inherit from. states : array Signal tracking channel state sender : int Optional sender ID, defaults to SENDER_ID (see sbp/ """ _parser = construct.Struct( construct.GreedyRange('states' / construct.Struct(TrackingChannelStateDepB._parser)),) __slots__ = [ 'states', ] def __init__(self, sbp=None, **kwargs): if sbp: super( MsgTrackingStateDepB, self).__init__(sbp.msg_type, sbp.sender, sbp.length, sbp.payload, sbp.crc) self.from_binary(sbp.payload) else: super( MsgTrackingStateDepB, self).__init__() self.msg_type = SBP_MSG_TRACKING_STATE_DEP_B self.sender = kwargs.pop('sender', SENDER_ID) self.states = kwargs.pop('states') def __repr__(self): return fmt_repr(self) @staticmethod
[docs] def from_json(s): """Given a JSON-encoded string s, build a message object. """ d = json.loads(s) return MsgTrackingStateDepB.from_json_dict(d)
[docs] def from_json_dict(d): sbp = SBP.from_json_dict(d) return MsgTrackingStateDepB(sbp, **d)
[docs] def from_binary(self, d): """Given a binary payload d, update the appropriate payload fields of the message. """ p = MsgTrackingStateDepB._parser.parse(d) for n in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, n, getattr(p, n))
[docs] def to_binary(self): """Produce a framed/packed SBP message. """ c = containerize(exclude_fields(self)) self.payload = return self.pack()
[docs] def to_json_dict(self): self.to_binary() d = super( MsgTrackingStateDepB, self).to_json_dict() j = walk_json_dict(exclude_fields(self)) d.update(j) return d
msg_classes = { 0x0021: MsgTrackingStateDetailedDepA, 0x0011: MsgTrackingStateDetailedDep, 0x0041: MsgTrackingState, 0x0061: MsgMeasurementState, 0x002C: MsgTrackingIq, 0x001C: MsgTrackingIqDep, 0x0016: MsgTrackingStateDepA, 0x0013: MsgTrackingStateDepB, }