libsbp  v2.4.7
almanac_common_content_t Struct Reference

#include <observation.h>

Collaboration diagram for almanac_common_content_t:

Data Fields

sbp_gnss_signal_t sid
 GNSS signal identifier. More...
gps_time_sec_t toa
 Reference time of almanac. More...
double ura
 User Range Accuracy [m]. More...
u32 fit_interval
 Curve fit interval [s]. More...
u8 valid
 Status of almanac, 1 = valid, 0 = invalid. More...
u8 health_bits
 Satellite health status for GPS: More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 894 of file observation.h.

Field Documentation

u32 fit_interval

Curve fit interval [s].

Definition at line 898 of file observation.h.

u8 health_bits

Satellite health status for GPS:

  • bits 5-7: NAV data health status. See IS-GPS-200H Table 20-VII: NAV Data Health Indications.
  • bits 0-4: Signal health status. See IS-GPS-200H Table 20-VIII. Codes for Health of SV Signal Components. Satellite health status for GLO: See GLO ICD 5.1 table 5.1 for details
  • bit 0: C(n), "unhealthy" flag that is transmitted within non-immediate data and indicates overall constellation status at the moment of almanac uploading. '0' indicates malfunction of n-satellite. '1' indicates that n-satellite is operational.
  • bit 1: Bn(ln), '0' indicates the satellite is operational and suitable for navigation.

Definition at line 900 of file observation.h.

GNSS signal identifier.

Definition at line 895 of file observation.h.

Reference time of almanac.

Definition at line 896 of file observation.h.

double ura

User Range Accuracy [m].

Definition at line 897 of file observation.h.

u8 valid

Status of almanac, 1 = valid, 0 = invalid.

Definition at line 899 of file observation.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: