39 typedef struct SBP_ATTR_PACKED {
55 #define SBP_MSG_ORIENT_QUAT 0x0220
56 typedef struct SBP_ATTR_PACKED {
78 #define SBP_MSG_ORIENT_EULER 0x0221
79 typedef struct SBP_ATTR_PACKED {
103 #define SBP_MSG_ANGULAR_RATE 0x0222
104 typedef struct SBP_ATTR_PACKED {
s32 w
Real component [2^-31].
s32 pitch
rotation about the rightward axis of the vehicle [microdegrees]
s32 z
3rd imaginary component [2^-31]
u32 tow
GPS Time of Week [ms].
float pitch_accuracy
Estimated standard deviation of pitch [degrees].
float y_accuracy
Estimated standard deviation of y [N/A].
float z_accuracy
Estimated standard deviation of z [N/A].
s32 y
angular rate about y axis [microdegrees/s]
uint8_t u8
Unsigned 8-bit integer.
float yaw_accuracy
Estimated standard deviation of yaw [degrees].
u32 tow
GPS Time of Week [ms].
s32 z
angular rate about z axis [microdegrees/s]
u32 tow
GPS Time of Week [ms].
uint32_t u32
Unsigned 32-bit integer.
u32 heading
Heading [mdeg].
float x_accuracy
Estimated standard deviation of x [N/A].
float w_accuracy
Estimated standard deviation of w [N/A].
u8 n_sats
Number of satellites used in solution.
s32 roll
rotation about the forward axis of the vehicle [microdegrees]
s32 y
2nd imaginary component [2^-31]
u32 tow
GPS Time of Week [ms].
int32_t s32
Signed 32-bit integer.
s32 x
1st imaginary component [2^-31]
s32 x
angular rate about x axis [microdegrees/s]
s32 yaw
rotation about the downward axis of the vehicle [microdegrees]
float roll_accuracy
Estimated standard deviation of roll [degrees].